Monday, July 23, 2007

Quick thoughts...

Why is it so much fun to disfigure publicly displayed photos. I admit, I do enjoy taking part in this inane activity on occasion. I didn't take part in these particular instances. For me, being at work somehow keeps the inner 12 year old at bay. If a photo is displayed long enough, you can bet this will happen. These probably stayed clean about 2-3 weeks.

post script: I personally prefer the pirate look over the cliche Satan portrayal.

Friday, July 20, 2007

Termites...who knew?

Did you realize that pound for pound termites pack more protein than meat or fish? They do, and if put into a survival situation, they could possibly keep you alive. An added benefit... there waste can be burned on a fire to repel mosquitoes. This would really come in handy if you were lost in a Costa Rican rain forest. Thanks Bear.

I'm telling you, I am so addicted to Man vs. Wild on the discovery channel. You just learn so much cool (& utterly impractical) information. I am dying to get dropped somewhere with a flint, knife, and a canteen, left to find civilization... maybe. I'll start with Yosemite in September.

Side story: Some of you out there have heard this story already, but for those who haven't... here it is. A few weeks ago, my sister had dinner with Bear... no, not alone. (I wish. What a cool brother in law. He's already spoken for anyway.) At a dinner party. She calls me and leaves me a voice mail, "guess who I'm having drinks with... Bear Grylls". Being a huge fan, only very recently, I almost dropped my Treo. I have to quickly thank Crystal's sister Daisy for turning us on to this show, which I was hesitant to watch at first. I text messaged her back, and asked her to send my best wishes to Bear, and was curious if he would divulge a key component to the success of all of his televised survival situations: the brand of knife he uses. Apparently this is a popular question posed to him primarily by his American fans. Fitting... I suppose. Personally, If I'm going to drop $$ on a nice knife, I want the best knife to chop down trees for raft and shelter making, as well as starting fires with flint. I actually think peoples' obsessions about these kinds of details is more a reflection of our culture's obsession with bandwagoning to the best... in any arena. Whether it's buying Nike because Tiger wears/uses it, or buying Gatorade because Michael drinks it, we Americans are hopelessly bewitched by this kind of materialism. All of his other survival supplies are here (case & point). The skinny: he told my sister that because of the beating he would put his knife through in each survival situation, he would by a new knife prior to each Man vs. Wild episode in the airport of where ever they might have been shooting the show. The truth: It doesn't really matter what kind of knife you have so long as you have one. But if you have to have his brand of knife, click the link. Be warned they are custom, military quality knives, and aren't cheap. I think I will just go to Sport Chalet.

Side note: Apparently, Bear is also very charming and the life of a party. Surprise, surprise. It's that British accent I think... that's what my wife says anyway.

Addendum: So... this just came to my attention. I had heard whispers of foul play here and there, but I guess this is sort of damning. read the link and make your own opinion. It doesn't really bother me. The hotel thing kinda sucks if that's true. The show is still really entertaining regardless. I hope the show doesn't get ruined as a result of this pseudo scandal. I am still a fan.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Cracking the code to Alzheimer's

So. This is part of what has been keeping me busy at The Scripps Research Institute. One of the areas of research my lab is exploring, is how inflammation caused by a few key molecules may contribute to amyloidosis. Amyloidosis is the process that leads to the pathology associated with Alzheimer's Disease. Pictured left are the type of images I am trying to produce in the lab. The top is a healthy brain free of amyloid deposits. The bottom is a diseased brain riddled with amyloid. There are various ways to detect amyloid deposits in brain tissue using histology, which I have become very familiar with over the last several months. This is one method using a fluorescent compound that binds to the unwanted proteins that accumulate in the brain and begin to cause the various symptoms associated with the disease.

This is just one of the few projects that's keeping me busy at the moment. People always ask me what I do, and rarely can I articulate in an interesting way some of the day to day work that goes on in the lab. Here's an attempt. Enjoy.

Post Script: This filled my day today and just a small step in grand scheme of this project. (making sure you have the right mice before you start the proposed study...ty kujo, PCR was a breeze.)

Monday, July 16, 2007

I'm Back

Geeze... It's been awhile. I was on a roll there for a good couple of months last year, but work destroyed me. I am still at Scripps, but I work in a new lab, doing new things that required all my available brain power and energy... and overwhelmingly busy to boot.

Things have since settled down a bit. So much & nothing has happened since. Life does move on, whether you're truly in control or not. The 4th fell on a Wednesday this year, and on the heals of finally getting some closure with a few projects at work, I took the rest of the week off... GOOD Decision.

I went surfing in the morning, and after helping out at my daughter Aisley's swim lesson before lunch, spent all Friday afternoon at the beach in Del Mar. I had Board & Brew for lunch, washed down with ice cold Tecate's, all the while listening to Stern. Eventually, Jenn showed up and we played Root. A real blast from the past. I have a lot of good memories playing root in LA @ Hoover's place.

The point of all this? Make the time to have a good day. It's worth it. Work can wait another day. Life can be sweet if you make the effort.