Wednesday, March 10, 2010

My god... time flies, I'm back?!

Yes, I can see it's been well over a year since posting last. A lot has changed in that time. A new job, my dad's fight with cancer, a kitchen remodel, my mother's ankle surgery, my daughter's latest obsessions with star wars and E.T. ... and wasting time watching television. Dexter is the best show on T.V. and is most definitely not a waste of time. I was dismissive of this series for a long time despite critical acclaim. Can a show about a serial killer be good T.V.? YES!!! I inexplicably felt an urge to post, because this is what I'm passionate about at the moment. I do wonder what it says about me, liking this show so fanatically... I don't care, because it is so good.

I was surfing the web a bit and came across my buddy Dave's blog. Seeing he was relatively current with posts stoked my competitive juices... what spurred this post, in part. In reflection of his post Irony?, I have to say that I save a similar urge to write about my life and opinions of life as I see it. I'd like to think it's because I like to write and is therapeutic. I do & it is. It shouldn't matter if anyone will read any of this... It shouldn't, but it does. I'd like the validation. I think I'm back? This doesn't seem too laborious... for now. There are plenty of issues to vent about. After a somewhat crazy 12 months, things are settling down, and right now, i feel I can commit to this (new macbook pro facilitating this greatly... sofa posting is key). At this moment, Life is sweet.


Unknown said...

its nice to see your back....makes me want to give Dexter a go. Due to netflix, I have become a Lost fan and successfully watched ALL shows from Season 1-to current. Hope to hear more from you!
Btw, when are we getting together to have a drink?

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