Wednesday, March 17, 2010

The Madness is upon us

This is one of the best times of the year. My personal favorite Thursday - Sunday long weekend, pseudo holiday. Historically, I should be thawing my bones by a roaring fireplace in the mountains somewhere, easing the pain of muscles used of the first time in 11 months, drinking spirits with friends and loved ones, and of course, examining up to three 8 1/2 x 11 quarter folded photocopies that have been in & out of my pocket a dozen times since the beginning of the week of St. Patty's Day. There is definitely something special about enjoying this time of year in a cozy chalet or cabin at the foot of a snowy mountain. Engulfed by an oversized armchair in damp clothes that are slowly crusting over from a blistering fire with a beer/cocktail in one hand, and a bag of chips in the other while a gentle mix of the aroma of pine, cedar, smoke & fresh mountain air circulates about. Sounds like heaven... if such a thing exists. Unfortunately, we all can't be that lucky, and setting the bar that high is tough to live up to year after year. Regardless, annually, I'll make a point of taking off work the 1st Thursday and/or Friday of the NCAA basketball tournament to fully enjoy the spectacle of college basketball in it's finest hour, home alone on my sofa if those are the cards that are dealt. Exhilarating basketball games from 9 am to 9 pm, 4 doses of 4 games simultaneously, 16 games/day for 2 days, and another 16 games on the weekend... unbelievable baby! It's a minor travesty that CBS's coverage of the tournament is interrupted in the afternoon to air Oprah to appease... appease who exactly? Housewives, that are missing there normally scheduled soaps that are mindlessly absorbed between loads of laundry? Thank you TiVo & ReplayTV for DVR. I'll start the madness at least an hour in progress, and with a break for lunch (Board & Brew maybe?), FF through an onslaught of commercials and Oprah too, if I'm lucky and my timing is precise. Who will I pull for? It's a long 2 1/2 week roller-coaster that can derail a loyal fan hopes at any moment. My loyalties this year are firmly in place, and my $$ is actually in line with my heart (probably a bad idea, & why hedge funds make too much money). If the Devils can pull off a somewhat improbable run and cement Coach K into NCAA basketball immortality, Life will be sweet... and a round of beers on me.

Addendum: I didn't make it to Board and Brew... too lazy. Also, I previously thanked Tivo. I want to thank as well. Break in coverage? what break in coverage when you can stream ANY game all day. Sweet!


Kujo said...

yeah, the streaming video is the best, especially while stuck in class

Kujo said...

fyi, balled yesterday and ankle was a little sore but good, and we won

Unknown said...

you said it, since kansas is out for me, i am rooting for your guys! free round! its a written, binding contract!

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